Mega Man's Soccer

Platform Played On: SNES


Mega Man's Soccer is a spin off of the main Mega Man games. It's basically Mega Man and other Robot Masters playing... Soccer.


Dr. Wily did something REALLY terrible, Something worse than wanting to take over the World... He wanted to take over SOCCER! He blew up some fields and like, Mega Man, Dr. Light and roll were all watching Soccer when this happened. But luckily no one was harmed and so Mega Man started to play Soccer. Yeah, this game TOTALLY has the deepest and most fucked up Lore out of any Mega Man games like, Holy shit, I'm on the edge about this!


So like, The gameplay is not my dig really? I'm not much of a sports guy so when I played this, I kinda understood how to play soccer and all that but it was worse when playing it on SNES. I kinda don't want my review from discouraging other from playing it if playing Soccer Games on the SNES is your favorite but for me not so much. At the start you basically have a selection of like 12 Soccer fields based on the Robot masters and other characters in the series. You can pick your formation and pick what each teammate you want them to be, Like you can swap out for the various other characters and they all have their own unique abilities which I found myself actually scoring with them. Again, this game isn't my dig and that this review may be a bit biased but I didn't like it overall, Funny and interesting concept though.


I think the biggest positive thing is the music. You can't go wrong with Mega Man music! But yeah that's about it...


It's definitely a Mega Man Soccer game that's for sure. I'm pretty sure you might like this if you're into these kinds of Sports games but as for myself, I'm not really into it. Hell apparently the Ending to this game was cut so it's just, Idk, Not worth my time?

SCORE 3/10